As we inch closer to the new year, you may already be dreading the work that comes along with taking down holiday decor and resetting your home after the holiday season. Before you go into autopilot mode and put everything back into storage, challenge yourself to pause and think about how you can seize this opportunity to spring into the new year with less clutter and more organization.

Discard broken or unused holiday decorations. If it’s broken or you haven’t used it in a couple of years, chances are you won’t miss it.
Donate or dispose of unneeded cooking and baking supplies. You’ll be happy later when your kitchen drawers and cabinets have space again.
Recycle unused electronics. Click here for a list of Kansas City area electronics recycling locations.
Create more closet space by clearing out old or unused clothes, shoes, and coats.
Take inventory of what you have in storage and donate or dispose of any other unused or unneeded household items.
Refresh your medicine cabinet by disposing of expired medications.
Upgrade storage and organization solutions to make things easier to find and avoid future clutter.
Not sure where to start? Connect with us to see how we can help! We love a good decluttering project!